I have been following The Ocean Cleanup project for a while. This is a great example of how large-scale problems can be addressed. We are still in the early stages of this innovative effort to clean up the world’s oceans, so I am not saying they have succeeded, but they are modeling for us how to address a wicked problem.
They have created a large “sweep” that is collecting garbage from the major floating garbage islands. This is pretty cool and impressive to see.
But that is not what gets me excited.
Far more impactful is the conclusion that about 1,000 rivers are responsible for 80% of the pollution in our oceans. That is breakthrough data because it helps scope the problem into something far more manageable than just looking at the floating islands of pollution. The interactive map reveals the sources of this global pollution because it tells us where to begin locally. I have a hunch that when they first created the map, they were not sure if they should put it on the Internet because it highlights who the “bad players” are. But the map represents the brutal facts. Brutal facts are the friend of breakthrough solutions.
By looking at the sources of pollution, this project is seeking to do more than simply put a band-aid on the problem. They are looking at a potential long-term fix.
How does this look in ministry?
Ministry problems are often wicked problems. The problem of the unreached people groups of the world is a wicked problem. How about Bible illiteracy, the defection of young people from the faith, or a lack of deep discipleship in our churches? Urban blight in Detroit is a wicked problem that I cover in my book, The Innovation Crisis.
The tools of wicked problem solving are different from those used to work on smaller scale problems. Mass collaboration, data gathering, and problem definition lie at the heart of wicked problem solving. Sometimes it is necessary to solve part of the problem first (for example, 1,000 rivers contribute 80% of the pollution, not 100%). Those responsible for creating the problem are not aligned with those seeking to solve the problem, and may even be in competition with the solution set. The US healthcare system, for example, has many competitors that are being rewarded by the extra costs embedded in the system.
Christian leaders are often focused on local problems (for example, “how does my church succeed?”) and this is important. But we also need big thinkers to consider the giant challenges we face.
Who are the big problem solvers of the church today?