Yes, every measurement is insufficient in some way. My view is that religious institutions, for a variety of reasons, have a much longer windows of demise, defying the typical S Curve time scale. The desperado phase can go on for a much longer time than it does in commercial institutions. There are religious institutions that have been in decline for many centuries yet they persist.

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Unfortunately, patents are not a good indicator. Patents fail to meet the definition of Innovation where a patent is only an idea, it must be realized to create value. A more common indicator is WIPO (https://www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2022/), but this ranking is heavily skewed toward government funding categories. They have an interesting criteria to create their weighted matrix but this would not be used for ministry.

You also have used the entrepreneurial innovation start-ups as an indicator, however that excludes the intrapreneurial work of the traditional agencies. You're not wrong, but the data is incomplete. I have found there to be a few disruptors out there that will emerge as the new. Their key to success has been to use a subtractive function methodology in its business model. A model that many traditional agencies have not been willing to chart down yet. They will though once they become Desperado's. (Stage 4 of the PLC-Product Life Cycle curve). Hopefully it will be early enough to avoid elimination since the transformation time in the S-curve model would be greater than 10 years.

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